A 25 word list, with a 16 character mixAlphaNumeric salt, please help
hashcat/oclHashcat can not crack those because the total length of a string is > 55.

However, the keyspace you're trying to search is very small (2^25). Therefore you can use maskprocessor and a little controller script in combination to crack it easily:

Quote:root@sf:~# time /root/maskprocessor-0.70/mp64.bin -1 01 '[[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1]] cG6g3cMvqQpMqOuE' | perl calc.pl
cracked: [[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0,1],[1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1]] cG6g3cMvqQpMqOuE

real 1m34.589s
user 1m40.355s
sys 0m5.478s

here's the perl script that does the hashing. on my system (good cpu) it took 1m34s to crack it.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Digest::SHA qw (sha256_hex);

## run like this:
## ./mp64.bin -1 01 '[[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1]] cG6g3cMvqQpMqOuE' | perl calc.pl

my $search_hash = "8ef38d8a70223974ff2c6dc30f131cb4bd8031d1ab70ef5badc322005ae7d578";

while (my $line = <>)
  chomp $line;

  my $hash = sha256_hex ($line);

  next unless ($hash eq $search_hash);

  print "cracked: $line\n";

Messages In This Thread
RE: A 25 word list, with a 16 character mixAlphaNumeric salt, please help - by atom - 03-11-2014, 09:00 PM