A 25 word list, with a 16 character mixAlphaNumeric salt, please help
Thanks alot for this! I'm installing perl and an IDE on my machine now to begin testing that.

In the comments you say:
## run like this:
## ./mp64.bin -1 01 '[[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1],[?1,?1,?1,?1,?1]] cG6g3cMvqQpMqOuE' | perl calc.pl

Will this take into account different salts? They are not always cG6g3cMvqQpMqOuE, they are random each time

Messages In This Thread
RE: A 25 word list, with a 16 character mixAlphaNumeric salt, please help - by kamronk - 03-11-2014, 10:34 PM