Easy way to beat Hashcat? Does oclHashcat support ASCII [NULL]
(07-03-2014, 08:05 AM)radix Wrote: Sure your hash type is right? I was able to recover A\0B\0C\0 without issue (plain sha1):


% cat dict| xxd
0000000: 4100 4200 4300 0a A.B.C..

% ./oclHashcat64.bin -m 100 test -a 3 -1 null.hcchr '?u?1?u?1?u?1'

cat null.hcchr| xxd
0000000: 00


Let me just run through the code:

To confirm, bytBytes() contains: 49,0,50,0,51,0 {Length=6}


    Public Sub makeHash(ByVal strData As String)
        Dim objEncoding As UnicodeEncoding = New UnicodeEncoding()
        Dim objSHA As SHA1Managed = New SHA1Managed()

        Dim bytPlainPassword() As Byte = objEncoding.GetBytes(strData)
        Dim hexPlainPassword As String = byteArrayToHexString(bytPlainPassword)

        Dim bytHashPass1Password() As Byte = objSHA.ComputeHash(bytPlainPassword)
        Dim bytHashPass2Password() As Byte = objSHA.ComputeHash(bytHashPass1Password)

        Dim hexHashPass1Password As String= byteArrayToHexString(bytHashPass1Password)
        Dim hexHashPass2Password As String= byteArrayToHexString(bytHashPass2Password)
        Debug.Print("Pass   : " & strData)
        Debug.Print("Encoded: " & hexPlainPassword)
        Debug.Print("Hash 1 : " & hexHashPass1Password)
        Debug.Print("Hash 2 : " & hexHashPass2Password)
    End Sub

This comes back with:
Pass   : ABC
Encoded: 410042004300
Hash 1 : A9B1640A163865C75B3A97C7F927750297A1969A
Hash 2 : C6876C05F745140F51A200F82159463C91B2522F
Hash 2 comes back with the same hash I posted earlier:
SHA1(SHA1(A[NULL]B[NULL]C[NULL])) = C6876C05F745140F51A200F82159463C91B2522F

I noticed you posted a single pass hash which I never posted! =)
: a9b1640a163865c75b3a97c7f927750297a1969a

Oooo, what's this, I'm on a windows box?
I see it's showing the encoded password, but I was wondering if it's a step I need?
cat dict| xxd

Your command: ./oclHashcat64.bin -m 100 test -a 3 -1 null.hcchr '?u?1?u?1?u?1'

Looks very similar to my 2xSHA1 version, I wonder if it's a Windows implementation bug I've found, or I'm making a mistake elsewhere?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Easy way to beat Hashcat? Does oclHashcat support ASCII [NULL] - by SarahC - 07-03-2014, 10:07 AM