yes, thx for testing...
It seems that it only works w/o --outfile-format 2 (or more correctly, it works w/ all outfile-formats that also output the hash at the beginning)...
I think we will categorize this as a bug and next version will output the username always when --username and --show are used together. (BTW next version of oclHashcat 1.31 will be releason soon afaik)
PS: progress of this problem is trac(k)ed here:
PS2: I must correct myself for the --outfile-format x parameter you need in your specific case, see --help but it should be --outfile-format 1 (only hash[
It seems that it only works w/o --outfile-format 2 (or more correctly, it works w/ all outfile-formats that also output the hash at the beginning)...
I think we will categorize this as a bug and next version will output the username always when --username and --show are used together. (BTW next version of oclHashcat 1.31 will be releason soon afaik)
PS: progress of this problem is trac(k)ed here:
PS2: I must correct myself for the --outfile-format x parameter you need in your specific case, see --help but it should be --outfile-format 1 (only hash[