HOW-TO Extract Lines from File A that Contains Words in File B?
I have a large text file, over 1gb large containing data line by line. This is text file A.txt

I then have the second file, text file B.txt that contains 30,000 unique words that I want to extract from text file A, along with the rest of the line where the word is found in text file A.

An example of this is:

--Text File A--

dog in house
cat at school
kid in playground
tom at oaks
so much stuff
inhouse cool stuff

--Text File B--


--Result File Output--

dog in house
tom at oaks
inhouse cool stuff

How would I go about doing this that would work the fastest way possible? Is there any software on the market for purchase that specializes in this type of task?

I don't know any programming languages whatsoever so if anyone knows a solution that takes writing code I would need newbie instructions on how to carry it out.

I've searched for hours and hours on google in hopes to finding a solution to this but have come up with absolutely nothing meaningful.

Thanks in Advance

Messages In This Thread
HOW-TO Extract Lines from File A that Contains Words in File B? - by TNin615 - 01-03-2015, 07:46 AM