oclHashcat - limit amount of wordlist words for left mask

I found out that using more or less huge wordlists for the left mask affects oclHashcat's performance very much:
Status.......: Running
Hash.Type....: NTLM
Mode.Left....: Dict '..\wordlists\insidepro\InsidePro (Full) - 1.dic' (2065950)
Mode.Right...: Dict '..\wordlists\insidepro\InsidePro (Full) - 2.dic' (1646243)
Speed.GPU*...:   94.0M/s
Recovered....: 2/1169163 Digests, 0/1 Salts
Progress.....: 190292244480/3401055725850 (5.60%)
Running......: 8 mins, 15 secs
Estimated....: 9 hours, 29 mins
HW.Monitor.#1:  3% GPU, 52c Temp

so i splitted the left wordlist into multiple parts:
Status.......: Running
Hash.Type....: NTLM
Mode.Left....: Dict '..\tmp\ip1_1' (172580)
Mode.Right...: Dict '..\wordlists\insidepro\InsidePro (Full) - 2.dic' (1646243)
Speed.GPU*...: 1136.0M/s
Recovered....: 6/1169162 Digests, 0/1 Salts
Progress.....: 255170042880/284108616940 (89.81%)
Running......: 3 mins, 56 secs
Estimated....: 25 secs
HW.Monitor.#1: 91% GPU, 65c Temp

how about only caching a predefined part of the left wordlist (like done by hashcat) to gain optimal performance on every wordlist size?

greez undeath

Messages In This Thread
oclHashcat - limit amount of wordlist words for left mask - by undeath - 08-23-2011, 10:54 PM