wordlist+mask attack or else
Hola! I'm new to the world of wpa/wpa2 cracking (I'm not interested in wps attack).
A read few article about crack/brute forcing the "four way handshake" that I get airodump-ng but I stil have some doubts.
I read that *hashcat support different type of attacks like mask brute force and hybrid.
Can I use a public prebuild NTLM rainbow table 9 digit mixalphanumeric or should I create a wordlist in plaintext?
I ask this because is easy find rainbow table with long charset but are all encoded in ntlm or sha o md5.
So I don't known if should I continue tring with Hybrid mask + dict attack or spend time/money to create a 1-9 digit mixalphanumberic wordlist.
Thanks all, any suggest is appreciated, regards.

Messages In This Thread
wordlist+mask attack or else - by egar1m - 12-09-2015, 12:04 AM
RE: wordlist+mask attack or else - by epixoip - 12-09-2015, 12:18 AM
RE: wordlist+mask attack or else - by egar1m - 12-12-2015, 06:28 PM