Noob: Cracking SHA1 with known partial
The only thing you're really doing wrong is using a virtual machine. There's zero reason to do that, there's a hashcat for every OS.

The other problem is that you didn't really specify in your first post what hardware you have. I see now that you're obviously using only CPU, and I don't know why you think you would be able to brute force 62^8 + 62^9 + 62^10 on CPU.

With a single GTX 970, length 8 will take you 1 week; length 9 will take you 1.4 years; length 10 will take you 81 years. Using faster GPUs and more of them will cut your search time down.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Noob: Cracking SHA1 with known partial - by epixoip - 05-19-2016, 04:43 AM