Can this sha256 be cracked?
I am trying to figure out if I can crack a raw sha256 hash.
But I don't know how to do it, or if it is even possible.

The plaintext is a sentence type string, rather than a password.

I already know two parts of the sentence/string (I will call the known parts "fixed string #1" and "fixed string #2").

I also have 2 complete wordlists, which contain all the possible remaining variables:
List 1 is short (it contains under 50 words)
List 2 is large (size ~2 gb).

I know the order in which the components of the string are assembled.
The plaintext goes like this:
[fixed string #1] [word from list 1] [word from list 1] [word from list 1] [word from list 1] [fixed string #2] [word from list 2] [word from list 2] [word from list 2] [word from list 2]

So: there is a fixed string, followed by 4 words from list 1; then a second fixed string, followed by 4 words from list 2.
Together, they make the plaintext (a sentence) which has been hashed.

Can this be hash be cracked in oclHashcat?
How would I do it?

Thanks for your help...

Messages In This Thread
Can this sha256 be cracked? - by bradman99.94 - 10-11-2011, 01:22 PM
RE: Can this sha256 be cracked? - by atom - 10-11-2011, 05:17 PM
RE: Can this sha256 be cracked? - by bradman99.94 - 10-11-2011, 10:08 PM