get hashcat-type/version over command
Is it possible to get the hashcat version from hashcat itself? I don't mean the --version parameter which gives me the actual version. I mean an output, that tells me if i use 'hashcat' or 'hashcatLite' or 'oclHashcat' and so. I know, that we only have one hashcat version now - but a lot of user also use i.e. oclHashcat nowadays. I need this output for a bash script. When i call hashcat over my script and someone use oclHashcat, then he will get an error and i want to avoid this problem.

When this works: Do oclHashcat, HashcatLite and alle the other versions use the same syntax like hashcat? In other words: Does the command
hashcat-type -m 1400 hashlist.hash dicitonary.dict
works in all 'types/versions'?

Messages In This Thread
get hashcat-type/version over command - by matt99 - 01-25-2017, 09:47 PM