(10-11-2017, 01:53 AM)germ-x Wrote: I was wondering about those 2 cards and is that good speed he has on the laptop?
Not "good" in any term. Even on a laptop. An outdated 750Ti does ~64.000, an actual GTX1080FE does ~420.000.
That laptop costs around 1500 bucks. The result will be an appauling price/performance ratio. The GTX 1070 will overheat while cracking hashes and throttle heavily. Maybe you could underclock it, but you still end up with machine worth 1,5K with the performance of a 300$ GPU. For the same value you could also get the solution I draw up in my posting with a GTX1080Ti and a nice laptop to control the beast and work while it does the cracking. Not the most handy solution, but therefor you end up with 3 times the cracking performance.