No idea how to succeed cracking hashes
I'm new here, but I've used hashcat before.

My problem, which is giving me a huge headache, is that I can't succesfully crack anything!
I'm here to ask for help and advices.

So far, my use of hashcat has been with wordlists, straight attacks, but as you can imagine, I found nothing.
I would love to crack some hashes, but I don't know how to move. Can you please help me, telling how do you do it?

For example, how can you crack an MD5? I am 100% sure you use a rule or something like that, but I have no idea. Also, my wordlists are big (>5Gb), so I think they are pretty useless if I'm not sure the password is inside that file.

Another example, how to crack a wpa2? Usually, I search for the router name, find some passwords and make a mask on that. But what if that has been changed? how can I crack it?

Hope you can help me, because I'm lost.

Messages In This Thread
No idea how to succeed cracking hashes - by forkbomb - 10-19-2017, 02:16 PM