12-19-2017, 03:20 PM
It looks base64 encoded and missing the padding. If you base64 decode it, it returns a 512bit length 'hash'. however, without any more information (how the salt is used, which 512bit hash is used, etc) it will be very difficult to reverse engineer.
Also, if this isn't a 'real used password and was only created for learning purpose.' why not tell us what the password is? Perhaps set "hashcat" as the password and try sha512($salt . $pass) and sha512($pass . $salt) and see if that's it.
Also, if this isn't a 'real used password and was only created for learning purpose.' why not tell us what the password is? Perhaps set "hashcat" as the password and try sha512($salt . $pass) and sha512($pass . $salt) and see if that's it.