Trying to increase performance of mask attack with a two character prefix
(01-28-2018, 07:17 PM)atom Wrote: The strategy to use -m 20 is the right one as -m 20 is around 10-100 times faster than -m 0 if the mask has a static prefix. The reason why this is not in your case is because your prefix is not entirely static. Only 2 of 4 letters are and therefore hashcat is able to get some speed out of it of the remaining 2. There's no other way to speed this up except to hack the kernel and make it use w[1] instead of w[0] for the inner loop iteration.

So is this the file I am meant to be editing?

If so, in this code what would I need to modify?

__kernel void m00000_sxx (__global pw_t *pws, __global const kernel_rule_t *rules_buf, __global const pw_t *combs_buf, __constant const u32x *words_buf_r, __global void *tmps, __global void *hooks, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s1_d, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_a, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_b, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_c, __global const u32 *bitmaps_buf_s2_d, __global plain_t *plains_buf, __global const digest_t *digests_buf, __global u32 *hashes_shown, __global const salt_t *salt_bufs, __global const void *esalt_bufs, __global u32 *d_return_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV0_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV1_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV2_buf, __global u32 *d_scryptV3_buf, const u32 bitmap_mask, const u32 bitmap_shift1, const u32 bitmap_shift2, const u32 salt_pos, const u32 loop_pos, const u32 loop_cnt, const u32 il_cnt, const u32 digests_cnt, const u32 digests_offset, const u32 combs_mode, const u64 gid_max)
   * modifier

  const u64 lid = get_local_id (0);
  const u64 gid = get_global_id (0);

  if (gid >= gid_max) return;

   * digest

  const u32 search[4] =

   * base

  const u32 pw_len = pws[gid].pw_len;

  u32x w[64] = { 0 };

  for (int i = 0, idx = 0; i < pw_len; i += 4, idx += 1)
    w[idx] = pws[gid].i[idx];

   * loop

  u32x w0l = w[0];

  for (u32 il_pos = 0; il_pos < il_cnt; il_pos += VECT_SIZE)
    const u32x w0r = words_buf_r[il_pos / VECT_SIZE];

    const u32x w0 = w0l | w0r;

    w[0] = w0;

    md5_ctx_vector_t ctx;

    md5_init_vector (&ctx);

    md5_update_vector (&ctx, w, pw_len);

    md5_final_vector (&ctx);

    const u32x r0 = ctx.h[DGST_R0];
    const u32x r1 = ctx.h[DGST_R1];
    const u32x r2 = ctx.h[DGST_R2];
    const u32x r3 = ctx.h[DGST_R3];

    COMPARE_S_SIMD (r0, r1, r2, r3);

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trying to increase performance of mask attack with a two character prefix - by Plexus - 02-19-2018, 12:17 PM