Question regarding brute forcing hex charsets
(05-09-2018, 09:46 AM)DanielG Wrote: your calculation is wrong, -1 d8d9dadb -2 808182...etc...bebf in combination with ?1?2..etc does not mean 68^n possibilities  because you can't just add ?1 and ?2, you are multiplying. For every char in ?1 you are doing all the chars in ?2.

so your command is actually 256^n possibilities. With 6 chars at ~11500 MH/s you will need about 7 hours.

Haha, you're absolutely right. Too early in the morning! Thanks for clearing it up.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Question regarding brute forcing hex charsets - by voideater - 05-09-2018, 09:49 AM