06-06-2018, 02:28 AM
Hi ,
I just made a mistake when I wrote it , it's 8 character sorry , but hey I've tried wordlist and combination but I always have "exhausted" as result . Also I used only 2 fpr the brute force because I don't know anything about the password is I knew for example that the 3 last characters 'd be numbers i'd use ?3 for that last ones of the brute force attack but it's not the case . As worldist I used Rockyou , 82millions wordlist and crackstation human-only . Maybe you know some better ones ? Ok Plaverty9 i'll use better graphic cards , i'm not really an expert in hardware , do you have any really good graphic card to buy/use in mind ?
thank's to everyone !
I just made a mistake when I wrote it , it's 8 character sorry , but hey I've tried wordlist and combination but I always have "exhausted" as result . Also I used only 2 fpr the brute force because I don't know anything about the password is I knew for example that the 3 last characters 'd be numbers i'd use ?3 for that last ones of the brute force attack but it's not the case . As worldist I used Rockyou , 82millions wordlist and crackstation human-only . Maybe you know some better ones ? Ok Plaverty9 i'll use better graphic cards , i'm not really an expert in hardware , do you have any really good graphic card to buy/use in mind ?
thank's to everyone !