Cracking partial hex seed for Ethreum Presale
hashcat uses ?H for 0123456789ABCDEF
therefore you could specify the mask as -a 3 --hex-charset [someting]?H[somethingElse]?H?H02

the main problem now is that the hash mode -m 5000 only supports a password length of 55 bytes.

Again, I need to emphasize again that I wouldn't suggest running anything before you generated some test hashes and are able to crack those... but the password limit for -m 5000 (because only the optimized kernels exist) is a bummer, because it doesn't allow masks that are so long.

thinking about it, if you are willing to run this on CPU because the keyspace is "small enough" (well, it depends how certain you are about the order of bytes and where the bytes are missing) you could just try to modify the perl script or implement it in ANSI C or something like this

On the other hand, we already have the extended keccak code in -m 16300 (verification step of the decrypted seed), therefore it would be somehow managable within a few minutes/hours to add the OpenCL/ kernel and also make the host code modifications.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cracking partial hex seed for Ethreum Presale - by philsmd - 06-29-2018, 05:46 PM