Cracking partial hex seed for Ethreum Presale
the ciphertext gets decrypted into the raw seed if you have the correct password/AES key/

see my perl code

my $hash = keccak_256 ($seed. "\x02");

the first 16 bytes of this "hash" are used for the so-called bkp.

As already mentioned, I'm just not sure why the seed for a presale wallet is just 64 bytes long and why it is known at all (because as far as I know the website, later on, generated a much longer seed because of randomness security weakness ... and the web page as far as I know didn't really offer to download the raw seed, only the json file).

As far as I know the seed is also hashed in hexadecimal, i.e. the seed isn't used "raw", but is in hex! (that is why I suggested a known charset attack/check in other presale threads whenever the user doesn't want to share the whole encseed)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cracking partial hex seed for Ethreum Presale - by philsmd - 06-29-2018, 09:48 PM