What is "rfc2898DeriveBytes" supposed to be? RFC2898 specifies mulitple KDFs, one of them being the supported PBKDF2 algorithm.

But anyway, all the algorithms in that RFC are not recommended nowadays. Use argon2, scrypt or bcrypt (in that order of preference).

Messages In This Thread
rfc2898DeriveBytes - by quiya - 10-01-2018, 11:42 AM
RE: rfc2898DeriveBytes - by undeath - 10-01-2018, 11:51 AM
RE: rfc2898DeriveBytes - by quiya - 10-01-2018, 12:11 PM
RE: rfc2898DeriveBytes - by undeath - 10-01-2018, 01:38 PM
RE: rfc2898DeriveBytes - by quiya - 10-01-2018, 01:49 PM