bcrypt hash with salt
Thank you for your response, 

If I would like to brute force attack this hashed password what command structure would I used?
-I know nothing about the length or characters used. upper/lower case, special character, numbers

if I use the following command hashcat -m 3200  -a 3 -1 ?a hashes.txt ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

-m 3200 bcrypt encryption
-a 3 brute force
-1 pattern ?a = upper/lower, special characters and numbers
hashes.txt is my file with the hashes

I get the following message
integer overflow detected in keyspace of mask: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

how do I brute force the password if I don't know the length or characters used, but I do have the salt used.

Messages In This Thread
bcrypt hash with salt - by sleclerc - 11-21-2018, 09:49 PM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by undeath - 11-21-2018, 11:43 PM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by Mem5 - 11-22-2018, 10:46 AM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by sleclerc - 11-22-2018, 04:38 PM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by Loopy - 11-27-2018, 05:36 PM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by undeath - 11-22-2018, 05:36 PM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by sleclerc - 11-22-2018, 05:56 PM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by undeath - 11-22-2018, 06:14 PM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by Mem5 - 11-23-2018, 12:14 AM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by undeath - 11-23-2018, 04:50 PM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by epixoip - 11-24-2018, 10:26 AM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by sleclerc - 11-28-2018, 02:08 PM
RE: bcrypt hash with salt - by undeath - 11-28-2018, 02:41 PM