(01-23-2019, 01:10 PM)philsmd Wrote: you probably also need to install the ICD separately, e.g.
sudo apt install nvidia-opencl-icd-390
or ocl-icd-dev, ocl-icd-opencl-dev (i'm not totally sure which you need, but the nvidia one seems to be the one that makes most sense)
if you instead install the driver from https://www.nvidia.com directly, the ICD will be installed together with the driver directly/automatically without any need to change something. but I guess the ubuntu package maintainers splitted them into 2+ packages
Yeah it probably it split it. I simply tea the command to check which drivers are compatible with my machine and installed it with the command I previously showed. I'll do some digging and see about the command you just mentioned.
Edit: you were correct I needed the drivers you mentioned. A additional questions I have. Once the PMKID is found with the hash, how do you know if it's a SHA or MD5? Also I'm trying to crack my password and the estimated time to crack is saying years. Is there a faster method to crack these hashes? I changed from to GPU thinking it'll crack faster using it. It's still slow.