Hashcat not getting any candidates from maskprocessor
(06-08-2019, 12:52 PM)philsmd Wrote: entirely unrelated. has nothing to do with pipe and stdin.

also your problems are PEBCAK as far as I can tell

example hashes are here: https://hashcat.net/wiki/example_hashes you always need to specify -m x (where x is the hash type).

it's definitely PEBCAK, because -m 2501 is using pairwise master key (PMK) and of course this key has fixed length (32 bytes or 64 hexadecimal characters). a fixed size key is of course of fixed size. what else should it be ? 64 (hex chars) min and 64 (hex chars) max is perfectly fine for PMK

Thanks for -m 2501 clarification.

As for other types, i had to escape $ symbols with "\", because otherwise it wouldn't include everything left of that symbol and thus the length was incorrect.

Sorry for interruptions and thanks for insults.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hashcat not getting any candidates from maskprocessor - by hashserious - 06-08-2019, 02:03 PM