noob question about cmds/password types
Hi, new here and very overwhelmed about all the cmd options!

Trying to crack a zip. Likely password examples: weloveyou!, cute&cloud, Iatefood, goingHOME, tobeInlove, PETPETPETPET, Thanks!itsreallytasty, like_a_circus

No spaces, only _ and other normal symbols like ! or &. Capitalizes whole word, the beginning of a word, or no capitals at all. No numbers. No random letters. Longest password is about 24 characters.

I'm using rockyou.txt as a dictionary. How do I make a hash from my zip? What would the cmd of what I want look like?

Sorry for the noob questions.

Messages In This Thread
noob question about cmds/password types - by ultranoob - 08-04-2019, 06:56 AM