Blake2b hash always has invalid token length
it's not $blake2$ signature but $BLAKE2$
just try the example and see what happens.

put the hash in a hash file, because depending on your operating system and shell $variable like $BLAKE2 will be interpreted as a variable by your command prompt/cmd/shell/bash, if you do not escape it.

the problem is that rules need to be respected, otherwise there are always excuses: "it's just a hash of a friend", "it's just my neighboors wifi", "it's just millions of hashes of a friendly forum" etc... it's forbidden, for good reasons (if we do not stick to the rules, there will be always shady and absurd excuses)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Blake2b hash always has invalid token length - by philsmd - 10-18-2019, 12:15 PM