Benchmarks and Password per second
Hi everyone,

I should collect some data on the performance of the latest version of hashcat.
In particular, I'm interested at computing the number of passwords that can be hashed in the time unit for different hash functions. 
At the moment, I'm using the option -b (e.g., ./hashcat -m 17600 -b), obtaining the number of hashes per second (e.g., 1893.2 MH/s).

Now, it is not clear to me if the MH/s means "million of passwords hashed per second" or  "million of hash iterations per second". If the second interpretation is the correct one, I can compute the number of passwords hashed per second by dividing it for the number of rounds of the hash function, right?


Messages In This Thread
Benchmarks and Password per second - by theNosieKnows - 04-23-2020, 09:15 PM