oclhashcat-plus64 WPA brute-forcing
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to crack a wpa key using bruteforcing, on a Windows 7 64bit using an ATI Radeon HD 5800 with 1GB of memory.

The speeds I'm getting are much slower than the ones set as examples on the oclhashcat-plus home-page.

I'm using this command :

oclhashcat-plus64 -m 2500 -n 160 d:\network.hccap d:\dictionary.txt -o d:\key.txt

And the speed I'm getting is:

29044 c/s real, 28811 c/s GPU

The temperature of the GPU is constant around 85 degrees and I'm using the latest Catalyst Version 12.2.

Can I increase this somehow ? Would this be a normal speed for my GPU or am I doing something wrong ?


Messages In This Thread
oclhashcat-plus64 WPA brute-forcing - by Danzel - 02-21-2012, 02:22 PM
RE: oclhashcat-plus64 WPA brute-forcing - by atom - 02-21-2012, 02:30 PM
RE: oclhashcat-plus64 WPA brute-forcing - by atom - 02-21-2012, 02:37 PM