Irregular status updates
Trying to run a --status command with --status-interval set at one second so it gives a status update every second which can be piped to a program.

However, before I can pipe it I noticed that that status isn't shown every second. I believe this might be related to the number of hashes cracked. If a high amount of cracks/second are occurring then hashcat just kind of 'hangs' instead of remaining reactive. Meaning you can't press 's' for status either (without status and status interval) but you can see -o output file steadily increasing.

This is a RockYou best64 run on 2.2M SHA-1 hashes. 
The first status update happens like a minute in with 95000 founds
The second status update happens about 5-10 minutes later with 283585 founds
The third status update happens about 1-2 minutes later with 295229 founds

Wondering if this is an issue on my side and can be resolved or if this is a bug that can be solved by hashcat.

STATUS 3 SPEED 0 1000 26381671 1000 EXEC_RUNTIME 0.000000 32.818500 CURKU 0 PROGRESS 946253 1104517568 RECHASH 94810 5199099 RECSALT 0 1 TEMP 67 -1 REJECTED 77 UTIL 53 -1
STATUS 3 SPEED 197783 1000 26381671 1000 EXEC_RUNTIME 41.541634 32.818500 CURKU 0 PROGRESS 9777229 1104517568 RECHASH 283585 5199099 RECSALT 0 1 TEMP 65 -1 REJECTED 77 UTIL 52 -1
STATUS 3 SPEED 197783 1000 9600 1000 EXEC_RUNTIME 41.541634 27.065300 CURKU 12288 PROGRESS 10723482 1104517568 RECHASH 295229 5199099 RECSALT 0 1 TEMP 65 -1 REJECTED 154 UTIL 47 -1

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Irregular status updates - by 0x69BE027C97 - 10-27-2020, 08:42 PM