Best dictionary and rule for wallets
(02-27-2021, 11:34 AM)philsmd Wrote: I think you need to approach the problem from a totally different angle:
try to think about what you remember about the password. how long is it ? does it use whole words that can be found in a dictionary file ? any specials or digits appended/inserted ? any special password pattern ? etc etc etc

If it is really your password and it's NOT generated by a password manager or other password generator (and therefore it's not completely random), you need to attack it by remembering and guessing as much as possible. Your brain/mind can help a lot to make it feasible, if it's really your password, you should remember something.

Maybe you even used similar passwords or password patterns back then... this could make it much more feasible and more efficient to attack.

If it's really random and long and you do not remember anything, it's getting very likely (but not guaranteed) that it's not possible to recover the wallet balance.

Don't get distracted by questions like what is the best dictionary file or best rule file etc.... the best thing to do is always to step back and remember as much as possible and make some more educated attacks/guesses with your own dictionary file or rules/patterns/masks etc.
Thanks for your thoughts. I agree with you. But I have no idea.... probably I made some combination of a word and some letters/symbols. Hence the idea of using wordlists with rules. So thats why I asked which combinations of word files and rule files are great to try. I can understand that some word files may already have variances of words covered by rule files for example. I also found no description of the rule files included with hashscat. So more knowledge in that direction may help me make better decissions.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Best dictionary and rule for wallets - by Hasher007 - 03-01-2021, 09:53 AM