Any way to get more restore points for 7z mask attack?
(04-15-2021, 07:21 AM)Centurio Wrote: Hi,

I can not answer your qestion about the checkpoints. Maybe with faster GPU the restore points are rechached earlier. If I try with 2x 2080ti on BTC wallet, it can take 5 minutes until the checkpoint is reached. In my eyes this is quiet ok.

If you want, I can give it a try on my machine and let you know. You will not have to buy cloud GPU and you can estimate the cracktime more precise. What are you using the -m 11600

Kind regards

Hi there!

Yes, 11600 is what I'm using. From what I'm reading, 7z is just generally significantly slower to crack than most other things, due to the algorithm requiring many iterations... which is generally a good thing, if you're not on the cracking side of it haha. If you run the benchmarks, you can see the ratio between md5 and 7z - it's quite pronounced.

So, I'm thinking, hashcat doesn't take algorithm into account when it determines how and where to lay out the restore points, and if md5 and some others run ~60,000 times faster than 7z, and it takes 5 minutes between checkpoints for that, the 7z checkpoints are just... hopelessly far out... but it might be better behaved with larger key spaces... I know I've seen some kind of restore point at some stage... I just don't understand it yet.

If you want, please do give it an estimation run. I'm curious to see the results.

I'll reply again shortly with some of my own numbers, both for benchmark, and for actual real cracking (which seems to be orders of magnitude slower than the benchmark, possibly because benchmark assumes more parallelization from larger keyspaces or something... again, don't know the deets yet). I also want to test with multiple different cloud GPUs, to get the best cost ratio... I bet you twice as expensive isn't twice as fast.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Any way to get more restore points for 7z mask attack? - by Replicon - 04-15-2021, 03:33 PM