Low hashrate with GTX 1650 when using CUDA
how about reading the error messages?

Failed to initialize NVIDIA RTC library.

* Device #1: CUDA SDK Toolkit not installed or incorrectly installed.
            CUDA SDK Toolkit required for proper device support and utilization.
            Falling back to OpenCL runtime.

your nvidia/cuda installation is not working as expected, so hashcat is falling back to opencl, depending on which opencl version is found, yeah this yould take some time

CPU is skipped by default, CPU (AMD/INTEL) need intel opencl runtime from https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/...ivers.html to run properly

fix your cuda installation first

cuda is listed twice because it has, lets call it a translation/compat layer from cuda to opencl, when cuda fails, this is what happens, cuda fails and the cuda instrucations are translated to opencl (and this takes time and reduces speed)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Low hashrate with GTX 1650 when using CUDA - by Snoopy - 02-28-2022, 11:56 AM