File left in will... unable to open...not a technical expert
what kind of laptop do you have, using plain windows + hashcat will most likely work smoother and faster than using any kind of virtual machine on top of your running os

hashcat 5.1 is old, very old, actual 6.2.5

dont use --force !!!

your wordlist is small, just 5041 pw multiplied with your rules, so hashcat tried every given password+rules and didnt find the pass

try open the docx with 7zip and take a look at the filecontent, or just make a copy of your file and change the ending docx to zip and see whether your file opens or not (depends on encrypted or not)

next approach would be using another dictionary or switch to bruteforce

Messages In This Thread
RE: File left in will... unable to open...not a technical expert - by Snoopy - 08-02-2022, 03:32 PM