(09-17-2012, 06:59 PM)M@LIK Wrote: Too much.
CPU can't handle all this. And even if it does, it would require one ugly code.
It seems like it should be possible as long as people are reasonable about the sizes of the dictionaries they use. Obviously exponential growth like this gets big fast so you'd have to be thoughtful about it.
My initial thought was using dictionaries like this:
hashcat-cli64 -a 1 test.hash top1000.dic joiners90.dic top1000.dic -r1 best64.rule -r2 joiners.rule -r2 leetspeak.rule -r3 best64.rule
Where joiners is a list of the top 90 conjunctions/prepositions and joiners-inconsistent.rule is something like:
PHP Code:
^ $
^- $-
^_ $_
^! $!
^@ $@
^# $#
^$ $$
^% $%
^^ $^
^& $&
^* $*
Even using two rules for joiners90.dic like this should finish in reasonable time for a fast cipher and a reasonable system.
That said, I understand I can get there from here by expanding wordlists with rule processing and then combining them (assuming I have the space available to do that), I just wanted to explore the concept because I think having this kind of on-the-fly freedom would be very powerful.
Anyway, I'll shut up now

Besides, if I continue to spout on about ideals I'll be forced to change my nick.