Possibility of zip archive password cracking?
Words from one dictionary added to words from another dictionary to make a string to be tested, with mangling rules for each dictionary.

Suppose one dictionary is bugs.txt and another is animals.txt.
I'd want apply a rule to bugs.txt to get ant00, ant01, ant02,... and another rule to animals.txt to get dog@, dog#, dog%,..., to be combined as ant00dog@, ant00dog@,... ant02dog%,....

The work would be done by the program, in a way similar to what some archive/document crackers, not by first generating a text file of the combinations and using that as the dictionary.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Possibility of zip archive password cracking? - by Kgx Pnqvhm - 02-07-2012, 01:11 AM