Hey all 
first I want to thank Atom for his work and also time to answer so many questions here on the forum
I'm kinda new in the backtrack/hashcat/WPA world, but I don't feel awkward being a n00b
anyway, I played around with aircrack and stuff, then finally found oclhashcat-plus while googling some questions that came up while I experimented with backtrack.
using a virtual machine that's limited by software I achived around 4100 c/s on my cpu. Using my video card is not possible on the virtual machine. I found oclhashcat-plus and wow, I was able get up to 117k c/s, played around with the resource options (I use the GUI) it even went up to 145k c/s!
So, now I've got some questions:
My card is a XFX HD7970, I use newest Radeon (I know you suggest an older driver).
I googled a lot to find out what is best to set for workload tuning and gpu loops and segment size but all I found was a hint to increase these values to make it faster.
But what are the correct/best settings?
I don't see any big difference between 512 loops and 4096.
I set workload tuning to 80.
I also don't notice any difference between 32 MB segment size or 128 MB. Does this option just decrease HDD access to the word list?
now the next question is: what does it mean when hashcat rejects keys from the word list? shouldn't it try every line of the word list?
Using the 13 gig word list gives me 0 rejects, using the darkc0de list results in around 33% rejects.
The max keylength of 16 is just for bruteforce, right?
I tried to crack the key of my router. I got a handshake and converted the cap file to hccap using aircrack -J
I then made a dictionary that contains just my key.
hashcat processes it but the result ist "exhausted", it doesn't find it!
my main question is: what am I doing wrong?
thanks a lot for any advice!

first I want to thank Atom for his work and also time to answer so many questions here on the forum

I'm kinda new in the backtrack/hashcat/WPA world, but I don't feel awkward being a n00b

anyway, I played around with aircrack and stuff, then finally found oclhashcat-plus while googling some questions that came up while I experimented with backtrack.
using a virtual machine that's limited by software I achived around 4100 c/s on my cpu. Using my video card is not possible on the virtual machine. I found oclhashcat-plus and wow, I was able get up to 117k c/s, played around with the resource options (I use the GUI) it even went up to 145k c/s!
So, now I've got some questions:
My card is a XFX HD7970, I use newest Radeon (I know you suggest an older driver).
I googled a lot to find out what is best to set for workload tuning and gpu loops and segment size but all I found was a hint to increase these values to make it faster.
But what are the correct/best settings?
I don't see any big difference between 512 loops and 4096.
I set workload tuning to 80.
I also don't notice any difference between 32 MB segment size or 128 MB. Does this option just decrease HDD access to the word list?
now the next question is: what does it mean when hashcat rejects keys from the word list? shouldn't it try every line of the word list?
Using the 13 gig word list gives me 0 rejects, using the darkc0de list results in around 33% rejects.
The max keylength of 16 is just for bruteforce, right?
I tried to crack the key of my router. I got a handshake and converted the cap file to hccap using aircrack -J
I then made a dictionary that contains just my key.
hashcat processes it but the result ist "exhausted", it doesn't find it!
my main question is: what am I doing wrong?
thanks a lot for any advice!