Question about my home security vs Hashcat
correct, there would be 26^10 possible combinations to check. but, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

no one is going to attempt an exhaustive brute force a 10 character WPA key. they are going to use wordlist and rule-based attacks, or they're going to do a low-threshold markov attack. so what it comes down to is, how random is your "random password"? was it generated by a computer, or did you "randomly" select keys on a keyboard?

also, something else to think about... do you live in a densely populated area? are there lots of people looking to steal wifi where you live? do you live on a campus where there's already free internet, so no real incentive to steal wifi? keep in mind who you are trying to keep out. just something to think about.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Question about my home security vs Hashcat - by epixoip - 01-08-2013, 02:19 AM