Hashcat 0.43 not successfully decrypting SHA512 unix hash
1. This is typical unix commandline parameter syntax. You have to remove the = char between key and value to make it work.

hashcat-cli32.exe --hash-type 1800 --attack-mode 0 ..\..\shadow-ubuntu-1-test.txt ..\..\wordlists\test-wordlist.txt

2. Correct and thats fine Smile You found the solution yourself.

3. Something is wrong with your hash. Might have happend when copy/paste it. Take a look at the hex-dump:

Quote:root@sf:~/crackers# xxd x
0000000: 2436 2444 4e52 6c45 4b57 6d24 7445 6364 $6$DNRlEKWm$tEcd
0000010: 446a 4575 7859 4a46 6141 3431 6571 3152 DjEuxYJFaA41eq1R
0000020: 6f34 5348 6f74 336f 7633 5348 654c 6f34 o4SHot3ov3SHeLo4
0000030: 4c51 714b 4e74 7a6a 4843 4e45 7854 356b LQqKNtzjHCNExT5k
0000040: 4544 384b 7049 477a 515a 7274 3735 3873 ED8KpIGzQZrt758s
0000050: e280 8b61 2f57 7743 6e51 7367 5253 3830 ...a/WwCnQsgRS80
0000060: 4548 5254 2f0a EHRT/.

As you can see at offset 0x0000050 there are some high-ascii utf8 values.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hashcat 0.43 not successfully decrypting SHA512 unix hash - by atom - 03-12-2013, 10:37 PM