Trouble running oclHashcat-1.01 in Ubuntu 13.04 - Need Help
Few things here...

Screenshots are obnoxious. We tolerate them from Windows users, because we presume they don't know any better. But as a Linux user, you are encouraged to post relevant text output in code blocks, as you started to do with your CPU info.

You seem to be missing the proprietary driver for your GPU. You did not mention what GPU you have, you only posted CPU info, which is not helpful. If you have an AMD GPU, you need to download AMD Catalyst 14.4 from If you are an Nvidia user, you need to download the latest Nvidia driver from

You appear to have a 32-bit Linux installation, hence your inability to run 64-bit binaries. So ensure that you are running the appropriate binary. If you have an AMD GPU, then oclHashcat32.bin is the correct binary. If you have an Nvidia GPU, then cudaHashcat32.bin is the appropriate binary.

oclHashcat 1.01 is outdated now, please consider downloading 1.20 instead. In 1.20, oclHashcat and cudaHashcat were split into separate downloads, so ensure you are downloading the correct archive based on your GPU.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trouble running oclHashcat-1.01 in Ubuntu 13.04 - Need Help - by epixoip - 05-13-2014, 02:44 PM