Maskprocessor file size
maskprocessor is typically used to provide hashcat's mask capabilities to other programs which do not have it, like john the ripper. using it to "make wordlists" is usually never a good idea, unless you know what you are doing and have a really specific goal in mind.

maskprocessor and statsprocessor are built into oclHashcat, so there's almost never a good reason to pipe these programs into oclHashcat. this is especially true for fast algorithms, where you will not be able to gain any gpu acceleration using stdin.

Messages In This Thread
Maskprocessor file size - by 2die4 - 06-01-2014, 02:33 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by undeath - 06-01-2014, 04:45 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by 2die4 - 06-01-2014, 04:53 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by undeath - 06-01-2014, 06:16 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by 2die4 - 06-01-2014, 06:38 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by epixoip - 06-01-2014, 08:26 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by 2die4 - 06-01-2014, 08:37 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by epixoip - 06-01-2014, 10:31 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by 2die4 - 06-01-2014, 10:51 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by undeath - 06-01-2014, 08:47 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by 2die4 - 06-01-2014, 09:03 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by undeath - 06-01-2014, 09:08 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by 2die4 - 06-01-2014, 09:16 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by undeath - 06-01-2014, 09:23 PM
RE: Maskprocessor file size - by 2die4 - 06-01-2014, 10:23 PM