Need help with rules/mask - WPA2 handshake
I had a similar challenge (not WPA/WPA2), used PACK for generating the masks and the sed to clean up the ones I did not need/want. Tried this with your policies.

keep in mind that a single AMD HD7970 does about 140,000 c/s on WPA/WPA2! If --pps is not specified in PACK it calculates with 1,000,000,000

So using your rules 1-3 and a part of rule #4 (never two letters in a row, so a minimum of 5 digits) I got

python --pps 140000 --minlength 10 --maxlength 10 --minupper 1 --mindigit 5 --minlower 0 --minspecial 0 --maxupper 7 --maxdigit 10 --maxlower 0 --maxspecial 0 -o example.hcmask -q

[*] Policy Masks: 637 Time: >1 year

Then used sed to eliminate all mask-lines that contain at least one occurance of ?u?u

cat example.hcmask | sed -e '/?u?u/d' > example_clean.hcmask

Got it down to 143 policy masks. I'd guess even getting it down to 143 masks, there is time for a giant coffee break.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Need help with rules/mask - WPA2 handshake - by vrposter - 07-18-2014, 06:27 PM