Stats Processor Spitting Out Junk
Wow, thank you very much I really understood all of that. I really appreciate having a solid thorough answer. Your speculation was right by the way. That is exactly what I was doing...piping stats processor into oclHashcat. I totally understand I changed my length up and am getting real words now. Right I am not doing that but just viewing the different combinations after entering this command: \sp64.exe --pw-min 8 --pw-max8 --threshold 16 rockyou.hcstat ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l. Yes thank you am seeing a huge difference and am quite impressed. I have another question now. Am I correct in thing that I can use the stats processor to produce a statistically better dictionary with more possible likely combinations for passwords then clean up the dictionary to reduce confusion or dupes in statistical attack like mentioned here.

I was piping like you mentioned in an attempt to utilize a more effective dictionary for attacks. Now I know more about how markov chain is used in various implementations thanks for that. So am doing this all right and thinking about this in the right way now according to what I'm wondering if follow the process in the above and learn about it? Again I appreciate the help this is incredible to me I'm hooked. PS I was also piping because I not only wanted a better dictionary output but I was afraid of the possibility of a monstrous output of possibilities creating a ginormous dictionary. Do have any words of wisdom on this subject. I want to create better dictionaries that aren't junk. E.g. I have a dictionary that is like 93 gigs but useless to me because its just useless in its condition Eg. johnny,appleseedWAYtoL8ng...etc...How can I be aware of and control any chances of outrageous output here.



Messages In This Thread
RE: Stats Processor Spitting Out Junk - by dayvjohnson - 07-28-2014, 06:13 AM