Suggestions for tuning options on overheating AMD 7970
Hi my AMD 7970 cooling isn't sufficient for running with stock settings, so I want to try throttle the card down so it doesn't overheat past 90 degrees.

I found the workload tuning options:
-n, --gpu-accel=NUM Workload tuning: 1, 8, 40, 80, 160
-u, --gpu-loops=NUM Workload fine-tuning: 8 - 1024

Right now I'm running
c:\ oclhashcat64 --hash-type 2500 --attack-mode 3 -u 1 -n 1
(Note: I suppose -u minimum is 8 even though I specified 1)
It is happily hashing away at 15k/sec.

While I know the card can do 140k/sec with good cooling, that is not an option. The case is open and ambient temp is ~70f.

I wanted to ask the community for is suggestions on how I should set my -u # and -n # settings to find a decent rate that doesn't overheat the card. What are the default tuning settings? I would like to try at 50% of the defaults and work my way up or down depending.

I tried searching but couldn't find a specific reference to this. Any help is greatly appreciated Smile

Messages In This Thread
Suggestions for tuning options on overheating AMD 7970 - by testpen - 04-07-2015, 01:06 AM