bug in v1.31 to v1.35 on brutforce ?
Quote:I use -1 ?d where ?d are digits 0123456789 I see this on wiki this is not correct ?
Let's say that you want to crack the password "pass1234" and you only know that the password starts by "pa", you can use the following mask: pa?l?l?d?d?d?d which is "pa" followed by 2 lowercase letters and 4 digits. Using -1 ?d allows you to use ?1 instead of ?d in your mask but since you can use ?d directly, it's useless. The goal of using custom charset is to use something that does not exist yet like ?l?d (lowercase or digit), aeiou (a vowel), etc.

Messages In This Thread
bug in v1.31 to v1.35 on brutforce ? - by wgmmmx - 04-14-2015, 12:38 AM
RE: bug in v1.31 to v1.35 on brutforce ? - by mastercracker - 04-23-2015, 11:49 AM