First time trying to "crack" something
Updating this:

I've found the example hashes in the wiki and I've noticed my "hash" is different, it has more variety of characters, what makes me think it is not in hexadecimal form maybe? I've tried to convert it with:

echo "<hash>" | xxd -p
(and I've also tried with echo "<hash>" | xxd -p | base64, btw)

and I've tried the 6600 mode with both padded(to 2080 characters) and not padded, but I always get a "Line-length exception" message. I guess the length problem is also in the salt?

Also I've tried to crack the example hash(password is hashcat) and despite I don't get the lenght exception message it just gets stuck at "Checking for weak hashes...", which discourages me a lot because it makes me think even if I eventually solve the problem with the length, maybe the mode 6600 doesn't work on mac yet?

Messages In This Thread
First time trying to "crack" something - by Trib - 05-06-2016, 10:36 AM
RE: First time trying to crack something - by Trib - 05-06-2016, 10:55 PM