Better leet.table file for Table-Lookup mode
The table-lookup mode is great to produce all the leet possibilites of one word, but the leet.table file from hashcat-0.37 is not right.

If you enable debug mode, you will see that the word "password" will only yield the candidate p@55w0rt, although you would expect it to yield all the possible canditates: p@ssword, pa$$word, passw0rd, ... p@$$word, p@$$w0rd, ... (you get the idea).

To actually obtain this, you need to edit the leet.table file in order to add the letter to the right of the = sign, like this:

Also, as I have always thought the letter 'e' could also be replaced with either the number 2 or 3, I have added the number 2 for the letters 'e' and 'E' in my leet.table file, like this:

PS. the toggle_case_and_leet.table file is actually correct

Messages In This Thread
Better leet.table file for Table-Lookup mode - by lanjelot - 10-28-2011, 04:00 PM