Noob: Efficient way to "combine" masks and rules
Looking for an *efficient* way to arrive at a combination of masks and rules.
For example, by using only the dictionary word "please", I want to arrive at both "Please0000" and "plea$e9999".

The mask ?d?d?d?d would produce "please1234", but can't capitalize the first letter or change the "S" to "$".  The rule "sS$" would replace "S" with "$", but wouldn't append the four digits combination (0000..9999) at the end of the word.

Does this mean that I need to first produce a dictionary file with please00..please99 (using maskprocessor?) and then apply a set of rules to it?

thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
Noob: Efficient way to "combine" masks and rules - by nixomarkol - 01-25-2017, 11:23 PM