Avoid character occurrance in brute force attack
This might have various reasons. It's very clear from the error message that neither the intel driver nor the nvidia driver are correctly/completely installed.

Firstly, you must make sure that the nvidia module is loaded (at startup) and running, i.e. that your system uses the Nvidia driver, not the open-source driver (vs proprietary one, e.g. mesa or something similar vs Nvidia/AMD/Intel blob).

It could also be that your system has 2 GPUs (the SOC one and the dedicated). Here, the SOC GPU sometimes can be easily disabled within the UEFI/BIOS.

Furthermore, all drivers need to be ICD registered such that the programs can "see" the different OpenCL environments. I'm not sure what type of system/distro you use, but for instance some tests on the The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) Linux distro showed that one needs to install both nvidia-driver AND nvidia-opencl-icd (or as an alternative also the nvidia dkms package).
Of course, if you install the drivers directly from nvidia.com things might be very different.

Hashcat always recommended that you can/should install the drivers directly from nvidia.com because we can't make sure that the distro packages work correctly, but I know not all users want to mess around with the .run files from Nvidia ...

Maybe you can at least explain how you installed the driver and how you registered the ICDs?

It also makes sense to use some external tools like "clinfo" such that you can make sure it is not ("only") a hashcat problem, but other programs can't see the OpenCL environments either.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Avoid character occurrance in brute force attack - by philsmd - 03-13-2017, 01:42 PM