Hashcat SHA1 output "hash:plain" to plain
something like this should work (on linux or mingw):

cut -b 42- hashcat.potfile | ./hashcat --stdout --outfile-autohex-disable

or you could also copy the file and use any advanced/modern text editor to automatically extract the pass from your .pot file
btw: the pipe to hashcat with command line argument --stdout is needed whenever you want to convert $HEX[] passwords to non-$HEX[]
ps: you could also use your outfile (-o) if it uses the format hash:pass (which is the default --outfile-format), to do so you need to replace "hashcat.potfile" to your outfile (e.g. cracked.txt)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hashcat SHA1 output "hash:plain" to plain - by philsmd - 08-22-2017, 11:00 PM