4.01 ERROR "Restore value is greater than keyspace" after pause/checkpoint
Thank you for this report. I can reproduce this.

We probably will need to open a github issue to track this problem.

The problem seems to be that the mask position (see https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=restore) is reset from 7 (which actually means mask 7+1 = 8 because the index starts at 0) to 0. This reset is wrong.
After mask pos was reset, hashcat tries to run the first mask with a very high word_cur value, which of course gives the "Restore value is greater than keyspace." error.
So the error is correct, but the reset of the mask pos is not correct. That seems to be a bug.

This line seems to be the culprit:

I will discuss this with @atom and see if we can find a proper fix for it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 4.01 ERROR "Restore value is greater than keyspace" after pause/checkpoint - by philsmd - 11-27-2017, 11:28 PM