Possible to do attack mode 6 and 7 on same attack
The dict I want to use is only 2184 words… so I did this:
./hashcat -O -w3 -a7 ?a?a dict.txt --stdout > prependaa.txt

./maskprocessor-0.73/mp64.app '$?a$?a$?a$?a' > appendaaaa.rule

But that created 81450625 rules, and when running this command:

./hashcat -O -w3 -a0 ‘hash’ prependaa.txt -r ./appendaaaa.rule

I got this error:
* Device #2: Not enough allocatable device memory for this attack.

Then I tried with just device 3 and got the same error:
* Device #3: Not enough allocatable device memory for this attack.

So then I thought I would "reverse" the above by appending ?a?a?a?a to the end of the dictionary, and prepending the ?a?a to a rules file - which would give us less rules and I was hopeful I would have enough device memory at that point.  Problem with this is that the dict.txt file got WAY too big with the ?a?a?a?a at the end of it.

Any other ideas/suggestions?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Possible to do attack mode 6 and 7 on same attack - by walterlacka - 12-20-2017, 05:43 PM