Benchmarks for 16 x NVIDIA P104-100 GPU's
(01-03-2018, 03:07 AM)Chick3nman Wrote: That doesnt account for the 8x V100 box being ~1.5-2x faster though. The V100 box can get more work done in the same amount of time. Still, if you are going to be using the system for long term(2+ months), then building/buying hardware is definitely the way to go over renting. I'm not sure the P104-100 is the best card for hashcat in terms of perf/$ but there's definitely something to be said for building/buying your own system regardless.

We are agreed on that.

Yes, P104-100 may not be the best GPU for Hashcat (the P104-100 is effectively a 1070 without display ports).  The P102-100 due in ~2 months should be a different story however.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Benchmarks for 16 x NVIDIA P104-100 GPU's - by kjs - 01-03-2018, 03:57 AM